Create: Mon, 11/08/2021 - 03:36
Author: admin


A robust, progressive and globally-competitive and resilient Iloilo.


A local government unit committed to provide equitable distribution of resources and opportunities through good governance.

Provincial Development Thrust            

 To Maximize Agricultural Production. Create a Value Chain for Agricultural Products, and In The Process Generate Employment And Business For the Province's Agricultural-Tourism Industry. 

Develop Growth Areas That Shall Serve as Investment Centers For the Information And Communication Technology And Light Industries, in The Process Generate Employment And Business For the Province's Service Manufacturing Sectors

To Create a Strong Middle Class in the Province Who Shall Be Financially Capacitated Clients and Customers Of The Province's Service Industry and Commercial Establishments.

Iloilo Provincial Government Core Values

Accountability  - The quality or state of being compelled to accept responsibility for one's action

Integrity - The quality of being honest and having strong moral principle

Diversity - The quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.

Excellence - Discharges one's duty with highest degree of professionalism and superior work standards

Strategic Goals

  1. To Increase Investment and Employment Opportunities (Business and Work)
  2. To attain Food Security
  3. To provide access to health and social services
  4. To protect and sustainably manage the resources of the Province
  5. To provide effective, efficient and transparent government services.
  6. To maintain order and promote public safety

Service Pledge

We, the employees of the ILOILO PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT bear witness to our work, believing in each man’s worth; with enlightened conviction and steadfast belief in our service to our people; empowered with adequate awareness of shared responsibility infused in us, with veracity that abide in us, and the aim for excellence to direct us.

We Commit To: 

  • Deliver services to our clients without delay.  
  • Conduct operations of each transaction with ease.
  • Provide attention to our clients’ needs with sensitivity.
  • Supply information for requirements, fees, policies and directions with exactness.
  • Cope with the challenges of up–to–date use of technology to provide services with readiness.
  • Be open to opportunities for training and learning to ensure our competence in the service with vitality.
  • Serve as the central information and source of support for the Municipalities of the Province of Iloilo attending other request with equality.

WE SERVE to fulfill this journey with the divine blessings and fidelity to GOD.

Provincial Seal

The Iloilo Provincial Seal Evolving

The Province of Iloilo was created under Act 2711 on March 10, 1917. The Provincial Seal of Iloilo had undergone various transformations over the years but the main elements remained the same and constant. The three mountain peaks at the top of the seal signifies the separation of Iloilo from the province of Capiz and Antique. The Carabao head on the left side of the seal represents agriculture and also signifies that Iloilo is a rice producing province. The Ship and Factory symbols on the right side of the seal represents commerce, trade and industry

Iloilo Provincial Hymn

Iloilo Iloilo
Sa dughan mong nabalay
Dungganon nga maragtas
Katam-is sang binalaybay

Ang imo mga pulong
Malulot nga ambahanon
Laylay sang paghimakas
Bahanding palanublion

Iloilo Iloilo
Ikaw ang banwang pinili
Bugay sang kahitaasan
Ugat sang amon kabuhi
Nahamut-an sa amon gadapit
Pag-angkon sang kalinungan
Padulong sa kauswagan

Ang among mga handum
Sa kapatagan ginpanggas
Sinngit sang kahilwayan
Guinpasad mo sa kabukiran

Balud sang dugo  
Sadtong mga baganihan
Bilidhon nga mangad
Buh inga handumanan